Tuesday, July 5, 2011

6 weeks 4 days

Well it's been a busy little week for us so far!

Monday we had our weigh and measure down at the community health nurses. Bub is now 4.1kg, 54.5cm long & head circ of 38cm! The nurse had a little cuddle afterwards and he was talking and giving her big smiles - little charmer he is!

We went and visited Tanja and Damien on Monday afternoon. Was funny - he was doing a loud fart, and after he was done Damien copied the noise! Funniest thing EVER!

Tuesday we had our 6 week check up at the GP. Her measurements and weight were different... apparently off that he's 4.3kg (but he had clothes on) and his length was like 55 or 56cm.

Kyle came with us as there was no way I could be alone when he got his needles. While I was getting my pap smear Kyle had to take him up to the nurses to get his needles, but they were busy down there so it didn't get done til way after I joined them.

Kyle held Riley while two nurses got on either side of him and put a needle in him at the same time in each leg, it took a few seconds then out came the howling scream of pain, I thought I was going to be okay, but I just lost it, started bawling my eyes out. I think it's just the fact that he was sitting there like a good boy, not sooking or anything, had just woken up, and he was given 2 needles which would have hurt him so much :( One of the nurses came over to comfort me, and I just felt like the biggest idiot.

We took him up to the square after as we needed nappies - big mistake, he was in his pram and screaming the place down, all he wanted was cuddles. Which I gave him plenty of when we got home!

We didn't get to bed til 11pm that night as I went up to a friends to borrow some children's panadol off her, as he had cried out in pain a few times and was whimpering in his sleep.

He woke a few times in the night, but only to grizzle or have a little sook...didn't wake to be fed til 6:30am!! and all day he's been sleepy, and hasn't been feeding as often.

Tomorrow Gammy is going to be looking after him so I can go get a haircut & find something nice to wear to Kerry's Hens Night.

Friday his Dad is gonna mind him so I can go out Shopping for food/decorations for Kerry's Hens.

Then Saturday he is sleeping over at Gammy's while I am AT Kerry's Hens night.

Busy Busy week! Missed out on mothers group this week because we had the vaccinations, so back to that next week... And I will start going back to the gym soon as I am really wanting to start to try and get back somewhere near my pre pregnancy weight! I am still WAYYYY over it.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 weeks 1 day

What a crazy few weeks since I last posted. I should really update alot more often as bub changes everyday with his personality and quirks, and just everything. Gosh I love him, even when he's screaming his head off. lol

Managed to catch some of bubba's FIRST SMILES!! How awesome is that!! Although the poor little bubba looks like baby me in these pictues haha they were taken at 4 weeks!

Also have had lots of visitors still! We had aunty carmel and dad come down, we've had Leesha down for 3 days, Lisa and Ella came for a visit, Tanja has come for a visit, Kerry has come a few times, and Jess H has come a couple of times aswell, She took lots of photo's of bub with her camera, and that one above is just a sample. :)
Aswell as visitors we have done lots of visiting ourselves!

We've also joined a mothers group! Every tuesday afternoon 1-3pm since bub was 3 weeks and 3 days.

We got our twinkle toes done aswell!! How good does it look!?! Well worth the $160!!

Past 3 nights bub has slept from 10/11 to 3/4!! So we've had 3 nights of 5 hour gaps!! Loving it and hope he keeps it up!

He also plays a game with his dummy! He'll suck it, spit it out, then cry for it, you put it back in for him and REPEAT! lol, he wants it, he just loves spitting it out aswell!! haha as terrible as it sounds I would love to attatch a ribbon or elastic band to it and just put it around his head so it stays on!!!! LOL

He also loves to fall asleep in your arms rather than in his rocker throughout the day, hates sleeping in the pram! Night time he is fine, feeds then goes straight back to sleep in his bassinet.

And he is definately not as floppy anymore, has better head control, although he can still fling his head around a fair bit.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2 weeks 3 days old

Thought I would share some of the professional photo's we got taken when bub was 13 days. Cheeky bub was only asleep for 10mins out of 3.5 hours, so I can't wait to see what she did manage to get in the small amount of time he was asleep!

Will be putting one of the photo's into his twinkle toes frame which we will get in a few weeks - we went down and got his moulds done on sunday!

So the past 2 weeks and 3 days have gone so fast! and my little bubby has grown up so much already since he was born, I'm still getting used to the lack of sleep... kind of can't wait til he sleeps through a bit more, but I don't wanna wish away the time I have with a little newborn bub.

We've had the home visit from the early childhood centre nurse. She did his check, everything is fine, except he is still under his birthweight... so we have to have longer feeds, and I have to express 2 feeds a day to top him up. If he's not up to birthweight by friday she's gonna get us to give him formula to help him gain weight - something I reallllllllly do not wanna do, so fingers crossed!! it's only 40g he has to put on so hopefully we should be right.

Also hadn't been attatching him to the boob correctly :( I find the right way alot more uncomfortable!

All in all I am having fun with my new bubba, love all the faces he pulls, noises he makes, love it when he falls asleep on me after a feed, and I love the new baby smell!

I will try and update here as often as I can, as I would like to have some sort of record of bubs life early on to look back on. Not just the pregnancy! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Arrival of Riley James.

Well I guess it technically all started on Thursday morning. (19/5) I was having breakfast with my friend Bec when I got some sharp period like pains, and started getting hot flushes, and freaking out. It only lasted 10 or more minutes but it was enough to make me paranoid it was going to happen then and there. Spent the rest of the day out at mums, had the odd bit of pain here and there but nothing too serious.

Friday was pretty much uneventful and I started getting worried thinking bub was going to be really late, so I was thinking what else we could try to move things along, so I got Kyle to go and get some spicy Indian for tea. Had that, went to bed around 11:30pm, but pretty much as soon as I layed down I started getting period like pains again, at midnight I realised they were getting pretty constant and I wasn’t going to get to sleep so I got up, and spent the whole night pretty much online, grinning and bearing through contractions every 5 minutes, when they got bad I was on the floor on my hands and knees or walked to the kitchen to lean over the counter.

At 5:30am I called my midwife to let her know what was happening, she told me it was best to stay home as long as I could, and to wait until the contractions were 3-4 every 10 minutes, and I couldn’t handle it anymore. So I struggled through the next few hours, woke Kyle up at 8am telling him he wouldn’t be playing soccer today, bawling my eyes out in the process. Managed to have some brekky, but it was getting so bad and closer together I thought I definitely needed to go in, so at about 9:20am I called the midwife back again telling her they were worse, and closer together and that I couldn’t do it at home anymore (all the while bawling my eyes out over the phone) so she told me to come in and she’d meet me there.

On the way to the hospital the contractions started to ease off, and further apart – I think I was relaxing knowing I was on the way to the hospital and it was all going to be ok. We got into our room at 9:45am, and were left to wait it out. She checked me out around 11am, I was 4cm dilated at that time. She told me she’d definitely say we were having a baby today, but she didn’t think it would happen before 3pm, and it would probably be good if we went for a drive to get a coffee, or go for a walk around the hospital grounds, just to get out of the room. She assured me I was checked into the hospital, the room was ours, and we could do what we wanted.
I tried a couple of times to get changed back into some normal clothes but as soon as I did I would get the worst contraction and thought there was NO WAY I was going outside with pain like that. After an hour or so I just got changed and MADE myself go outside – just to get some fresh air. Kyle went downstairs on the way back to get some food while I made my way back to the birthing suit.

Around 2pm I decided to try the hot shower, which worked wonders, I was in heaven, then thought I would try out a hot bath which was just as nice, I could feel contractions coming and going but they weren’t painful.... after a few of them they started to get painful again and I got out, and went back to my usual positions of leaning over the bed.

At 3pm Cacey came in to tell me she was going and to introduce me to the midwife that was taking over – HUGE RELEIF to see it was the lady who ran our antenatal classes! I was sooo happy! And Kyle was only saying earlier how funny it would be if we got her.

Karen ended up staying with me the whole time! We discussed pain relief and decided I would start on the gas. With the really painful contractions I couldn’t concentrate on breathing in the gas so I would throw it away and breathe in the gas between contractions LOL.
I found contractions so painful, all I could do was hold my belly and scream out “oww, owww, owwwww!“ And “I can’t do this anymore!”
After an hour of working through contractions Karen got me up on the bed to check me out, but as soon as I layed down a contraction would start, so she’d have to wait...when they passed she told me I was 7cm dilated, and thought I’d still have a few hours to go.

Karen was very helpful massaging my back and helping me rock through the contractions but at 4:30ish I decided I wanted the pethidine as I just couldn’t do it anymore, but I had the feeling I needed to push so she was hesitant to give it to me but she did anyways. Soon after I got the shot she moved me up onto the bed on my knees, leaning over the back of the bed which she raised.

At 4:45pm my waters broke, HUGE relief, and it was almost instantly that I could feel his head moving down. Kyle had to push the nurses button, but the midwife pushed the emergency button soon after as she didn’t think anyone was in the birthing suite office and she needed to get help over. Cacey was still in the building and ended up coming over to watch! And another midwife came over to help with the birth.

Kyle was up at my side giving me the gas and telling me I was doing good, and it would almost be over, and to slow my breathing down (I was like hyperventilating between pushes and screaming like a bush woman during each push)
I think it took about 3-4 pushes to get his head out! Just before he crowned I was warned that it might sting a bit but to just breathe through it. Yes it stung but it only lasted seconds, and was NO where near as bad as the contractions. Once his head was out the midwife said hello baby, are you a boy or a girl? And someone told me to reach down and touch him but I insisted I didn’t want to! I just wanted to concentrate on getting him out!!

Kyle said that while his head was out, and during the next contraction bub turned his body and with the next push he just flopped out! Followed by ALOT of blood. Turns out I lost about 500ml.

Riley James Chaplin was born 5:09pm May 21 2011.

So bub was out and no one was telling me what it was, so I’m like is someone going to tell me what it is?? They told me to have a look myself, so I slowly leaned back and looked down – first thing I saw was a penis, IT’S A BOY!!

Soon after they cleaned up underneath me I was given my bub and had to carefully move around and lay down...and got some cuddles! The cord stopped pulsing pretty much straight away and Kyle cut the cord.. which turned out to have a knot in it!! Got given the injection straight away as well, took the placenta a few pushes to get out but that didn’t take too long either.

Ended up needing stitches too they were only small ones though, they were almost not going to give me any but decided it best they should, the lady doing it ended up finding a spot that the midwives missed. It hurt and REALLY stung getting the anaesthetic. Took her forever to put the stitches in but that’s only because she was teaching Karen how to do it. Bub was happily having a feed while it was happening.

Once that was all done Karen took bub to check him out while I had a much needed shower.

Bub was weighed at 3.4kg or 7lb 8oz which Karen guessed exactly right before she weighed him.

Around 7:30 – 8 we were transferred over to the wards...and I guess that’s where the birth story ends!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

40 weeks ....

..... and you're still not here!! Time is up bubba! Time to come out into the big wide world!! We are all DYING to meet you!! And I REALLY don't want to be induced!!

Nanna came up today with due date presents for you too! I think she's got her crazy pants on though by buying you a 00000 sized onsie!

Was just looking back at the 12 week videos, made me a little teary!! The little bubba in there is no longer that little, it's the size of a baby and I will get to meet you soon!!

So come on little Jelly, I want this to be the last pregnancy related blog I make! I want to be updating the people on your birth next week!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

39 weeks 6 days

Back from my midwife appt :)

Bub is 3/5ths engaged... which is more than last time! Hooray! So atleast bub is on the way down!
Plan of action is, that if bub hasn't come by next tuesday then I am going to get a Stretch & Sweep, and see if that brings things on. Only thing is, is that my midwife has the 4-5 days following off! So if I don't go into labour on or before next tuesday I am going to have my backup midwife! She was there when I had the bleed and the kidney infection, so yes I have met her before and she's lovely and all, I was just really hoping Cacey would be the one who delivered Jelly coz she's been there the whole way.
Latest day I can possibly have Jelly is May 30 - which is the day Cacey will be back. (which is kinda funny coz she thinks my EDD is May 16, but its May 18, oh well I dont mind, gives me my bub sooner).

So I am thinking I should start going for walks everyday, and doing other "recreational" activities to hurry bub along within the next week!! Spicy foods was another thing but I HATEEEE spicy foods with a passion... she even suggested accupuncture which kinda freaks me out a little!!

So everyone start sending Jelly "BE BORN" vibes! lol!! I'm thinking the cold snap has scared bub off coming out! LOL

Saturday, May 14, 2011

39 weeks 4 days

Dear Jelly,

As you can see above, your bassinet is made and ready, and as you can see below your cot is made and ready. You may come whenever you like now please.

Love Mum. xoxo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

39 weeks

Well here's my 39 week bump shot, not sure if it'll be the last bump shot or not, but I very muchly think I will be back next week with my 40 week shot! lol.

Another boring m/w appointment, not much to report there, my bp is fine, bubs hb sounds healthy. Nothing wrong with me, another appointment in a week!

These last few weeks are going so fast! I know bub will be here in no time, although I still am in denial that there is going to be a baby here soon... I just can't wait to meet the little bubba!! And to see what this sneaky ninja baby looks like!!

Just incase this is the last entry before bub, I just wanna say that Jelly you have made this pregnancy quite easy on me, and it makes me wonder why other people complain so much, you've caused me no morning sickness, no heartburn, no swelling, no pains, you didnt even move too much in there... lets just hope you can continue your kindness on the outside!!
You've also made it easier for me to lose my belly after your arrival as theres not much there!!
I can't wait to hold you, and kiss you, and look after you! And I hope I can do a good job and that you love me too.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

38 weeks 4 days

My Favourite picture from today! YES today me and Kyle went and got the maternity pics taken by the lovely Liddell!!! If you've decided for some crazy reason to check my blog before you check your facebook there are more on facebook! I have been tagged or just search for Liddell McNie Photography and they will be there aswell :)

We went to Rocks Riverside Park in Brisbane! Was a beautiful day, got a little cloudy towards the end, but we still got some great photos :)

Was great to catch up with Liddell aswell!!

Only 10 days to go! It's insane! Any day now... max 20 days to go, so it's kinda surreal to think I'm going to have a little baby to bring home soon!!

Been going crazy with the nesting too. We cleaned out our bedroom over the weekend, the bassinet is in there, just have to make it up :) all the crap is pretty much gone, and Kyle cleaned down all the walls.

Just got the bathroom to go and we're done! Coz the kitchen floors FINALLY got done which is fantastic!! So happy about that.

So I guess I will update again after my next midwife appointment and with the next bump shot!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

38 weeks

Belly still looking the same. Jess Jess will be paying up that $5 she bet with me LOL. I certainly haven't "popped"

Midwife appointment today. Nothing too exciting. My Blood Pressure is still same ol same ol, bub is still head down bum up, heartbeat is good. Nice and happy healthy baby, she said bub has dropped a little, but still not enough to be called engaged.

Next appointment is 11-5-11 at 11am haha, told her that'd be a great date and time for bub to arrive hehe.

Not bub related, but I had a tooth taken out on monday! The same tooth I wanted removed at like 20 weeks! I had messaged the midwife about it prior as I wasnt sure what to do about the stupid tooth (it fell out on my birthday!!!) but she had no idea... haha told her today all about it, and said I hope I hadn't annoyed her, which ofcourse I didn't, she said I can call or msg about anything... although she reckons next time I call it will be to say bub is coming LOL, although I reckon this little bubba is gonna be a late arrival.

Gave the bassinet a quick clean yesterday so that's all ready - just have to clean up our bedroom and make some room for it!!

Getting Pregnancy photos taken on sunday! pretty excited about that!! This is the website of the girl who's doing it for us: http://www.liddellmcnie.com.au/ She's in my DIG! :)
So hopefully next time I update I will have some NICE photos of me and jelly to share, and maybe Kyle aswell if he's lucky LOL

Thursday, April 28, 2011

37 weeks 2 days

Home from our midwife appointment!!!

Thought it was going to be a quick one today, Kyle came, and we went through the normal stuff, no stinging when I wee, no puffiness on hands or feet, no pains or anything unusual, did the blood pressure, made the appointment for next week, and I was thinking great, the one week Kyle makes it nothing happens, but then we had a listen/feel for bub.
She felt bub was certain head was down, back to the side like normal, but she couldnt find the heartbeat! even held bub in place, but just for the sake of it she moved the doppler to other spots on my belly, and lo and behold, she found it up higher, and she started to laugh a little nervously, and Im like Oh no what's that mean, and she said that if the heartbeats up there maybe its head up bum down not the other way around! AHHHH!!!
So she went and got a doctor in, (meanwhile I am freaking out thinking Im going to have to get a C-section when the time comes!) and he brought in the portable ultrasound machine thingy, and they had a look.
DEFINATELY HEAD DOWN! *huuuuuuuuuuge sigh of relief* Kyle got to watch the whole time, I didnt get to see a thing, screen wasnt facing me :( They measured the head, and I am guessing it was all normal, Kyle said he saw the number 17... so dunno if that was the measurement... does that even sound right? The doctor said there was lots of good "pockets of fluid" as he moved around the bub. Had a quick look at the heart, and the bladder, and everything was all good! yay! Kyle said bub was moving its arms around alot! hehe.

Next appointment is booked for next wednesday! I will be 38 weeks then! OMG!

OH, and my swab was good, no strep b for me! aaaand my haemoglobins are on the low side but nothing to be worried about.
Placenta is to the side at the front.

HAHA OHHHHH and, KYLE had to have his needle ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!! He got his boostrix shot then and there, sucker, now he's whinging that his arm hurts.

Hmmm, I think that's all that happened.... if I forgot anything I will come back and edit the post haha.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

37 weeks

So here's the 37 weeks bump shot, eww, Im starting to not like these bump pics anymore LOL such a weird shape it's becoming!! Also took a side/front pic aswell. which is obviously the right hand side picture.

So everything is pretty muchly ready for bub to arrive. I just need to make up the cot, which I might do next week or the week after (dont want to do it too early) and clean up/set up the bassinet.

I'm enjoying FINALLY being able to feel some pretty cool movements from bub, although it feels so strange when it does it up high near my ribs when Im sitting down!! Feels like I'm in it's way or something lol

Nothing to suggest bub is coming early, so I think we're in for a wait, I have a feeling I will go over, but Id like bub to come a week early :) that would be nice. Only pains I have been having is leg cramps in the night, although one night it's like my leg was paralysed! I couldn't move it without excruciating pain, and it wasnt a cramp coz theres no way I could stand up to walk it off!

Kyle seems to think bub is coming on my birthday, but me and Jelly will prove him wrong :) mwahaha.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

36 weeks 5 days

Dear Jelly,

This is your crazy Dad, and your Lazy Sister Piggy. You will ALWAYS find them lying on the couch doing nothing. Get used to this picture lol.

And this is a special present you got from Nanna's Aunty and her Cousins. My Nan taught your Nan's Aunty how to crochet, so she made it special for you! And the Presents are from your Nan's Cousins. You are one spoilt baby!

And one more thing Jelly, please no more stinging paralyzing pain down the inside of my leg at 6:30am in the morning please, it's not very nice, and it's even less nice when I can't get up to walk it off. All I could do was sit there in pain! Naughty Jelly. Please get off whichever nerve controls that.

That is all.

Love Mummy xoxox

Saturday, April 23, 2011

36 weeks 3 days

This is my new chair I bought second hand :) cost me $110, when I brought it home, seriously took me over an hour to clean it! was so dusty underneath, and had crap at the back of the seat and in the pockets. But that's okay, atleast now I know its 100% clean, and it's mine all mine.

Me testing it out. haha, loser much?

Not sure if I like where it is in the room, would like to move things around. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

36 weeks

Can you believe it? 4 weeks to go!! AHHHH!!!

Had my midwife appointment this morning, went for like 50mins lol, just chatting away. Took in my birth plan and she is happy with it. Bub is no longer posterior! WOOHOO! It has kind of moved around a little so now its back is in line with my side. Apparently it's in a perfect position. Yay! :)

Had to do my strep B swab aswell - which I hope I did right, and I got referral for my bloods to be done - which I shall do tomorrow.

Next appointment is in a week, made it for Friday so Kyle can come, he reckons he can't coz he's "busy" but I will make him, I didn't make it Friday for nothing! GRRR.

Also bought a second hand breastfeeding chair, it's one of those gliding ones and comes with a foot rest. Pick it up on friday! It's in pretty good condition too! Will take pics when I get it.

Tonight is also the last antenatel class! They've come and gone so quick!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

35 weeks

Bump shot! :) I've grown 1.5cm this week! woohoo! go baby Jelly go! Thought seeings how there are only 5 weeks to go I should update with a new pic each week.

I'm officially on maternity leave! woohoo!! Been spending my days doing baby washing, cleaning up it's room, sorting stuff out, adding things to my hospital bag, spending hours online, meeting up with friends for coffee and or lunch, so it's been good! don't know how much longer I will get to do it for alone so making the most of it :)

Got a nasty coldsore at the moment too, I'm not as upset as I normally would be, because I am glad it has come now and not in 5 weeks time, atleast it should be gone by the time bub is here (unless bub decides to come super early)

Also have the curtains put up in bubs room on the small window, bought long ones, that were $10 at spotlight, took them to Jess Jess to cut and hem, lol bless her, one is fine, but the other is longer and doesnt match the length of the other haha, so I will take it back to her place on friday so she can fix it up! crazy lady! :)

And I think that's all I have to update you on this week. Next week I have a midwife appointment so hopefully have something exciting to say then!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

34 weeks 1 day

So I am starting off this update with a comparison picture. Where oh Where are you hiding little Jelly? I have almost decided to call you ninja bub as I swear you are so good at hiding! I am soo not playing hide n seek with you when you come out as I will never find you! LOL I look my biggest at 22 weeks! haha. Even though you are hiding in there, my weight tells me otherwise! With the amount that I have gained you'd think I was having triplets! I am sooo not sharing how much I've put on as it is now quiet depressing.

Yesterday at work was my last weekday shift so the store manager Jamie put on an afternoon tea for me. Me and Kerry walked out together with the deli platters (which I couldn't really eat much of anyways) and there was a hamper sitting on the tables out the back for me and a few people were out there who were on their lunch breaks, even Jess H stayed back (she'd already finished for the day) Then they did a PA "All available staff to the lunchroom" A few people rocked up, not many. Jamie then got me to tell everyone why we were out there, and Im like "what I have to tell them??" and he's like "yeah" so embarrasing, so I say "We're all here because I am going on maternity leave" And then he says a little speech saying how well I am hiding my pregnancy and when he looked at all the maternity leave papers he couldn't believe it was for me, and about yes, you're about to encounter the most wonderful stage of your life, we wish you all the best, thought we'd get you something to start you off and to say thankyou for all your help over the years etc etc, then he sat down and we started nibbling on food, the odd people who walked in then left, and it was like really awkward just sitting there with Jamie and Ruth lol didn't know what to say, thankgod kerry, jess and anita where there.

Then the Bakery guy brought over a cake! it was actually a double cake, and could have looked like boobies! LOL It originally said "Have a Happy and Safe Birth" But we ate the 'have a happy and' cake. It was soooooooo light and fluffy and fresh and CHOCOLATE! mmmm Still have this half of the cake in the fridge, waiting for someone to come and help me eat it lol.

At antenatel classes last night we got the tour of the birthing suite, was quite surreal to think I may be in that very room in 6 weeks time! She was showing us all the different ways we could have the bed, all the different positions we could be in, all the different items we could use in the room. The bathroom was alot smaller than I had expected, I thought it would be more open. It's quite confined.
She showed us all the equipment involved with an epidural minus the actual needle. And GOD I hope I DON'T need to have one!!! She refused to show us the pethadine, which sucks because that I am actually interested in seeing.
While we were in there we could actually hear a woman screaming down the halls!!!
I actually already forget how to get down there so I am hoping Kyle remembered the way! LOL.

Today I am off curtain shopping with mumsy!! Hoping we can find something!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

32 weeks 5 days

So I had my midwife appointment this morning. She spent alot of time talking about what will happen when I go into labour, and how it's better to stay at home until I get 3 "toe curling" contractions in 10 minutes, although I was told I'm not allowed to watch the clock when I get the earlier contractions lol I also asked her what I need to bring in my hospital bag ... which turns out to be not alot...

For Labour I need:

  • Juice

  • Snacks

  • Boardies for Kyle (for if I go into the shower)

In my Hospital Bag:

  • 4 old or very cheap undies

  • Pj's incase it's decided I stay

  • Comfy day clothes

  • Toiletries

For Bub all I need is:

  • Nappy Clips (as bub will be in cloth at the hospital)

  • A disposable nappy to go home in

  • A singlet top & onsie to go home in

  • A wrap

  • A blanket.

So most of that stuff I already have. Just have to get it all together.

Bub's heartbeat has dropped to 130bpm, measuring right on 33 weeks.... and the little bugger is on the posterior side!! Not fully, but enough to be classed as posterior...(For Meeshi & Louise - that means bubs back is aligned with mine which means a harder labour for me!) She told me there is still time for it to move so fingers crossed it does because I really want a nice and easy labour! lol.

Next appointment isn't for another 3 weeks! She's going on holidays again! I told her she's lucky she's doing it now before bub comes! lol. Although last time she was on holidays was when I had my kidney infection so she told me nothing bad is allowed to happen while she's gone again! LOL.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

32 weeks 1 day

So much to update on, but I thought first of, we should update with a bump pic. 32 weeks and 1 day!

8 weeks to go, and you still don't really want to show yourself to the world do you Jelly??
On Saturday March 19, 2011 I had my baby shower which Kerry held at her house! (thankyou Kerry!!!) It was so much fun, and SO many people came I was a little overwhelmed!! Was a bit pissed off that it was muggy!! I felt like a big fat turd and no one can tell me otherwise!!

Here are the cupcakes Aunty Meeshi made for us all to eat :) They were very yummy and Jelly you had one of each flavour! lol

Soooo many games were played!! The ones I can remember: There were 4 paper bags, and we all had to feel them to guess which baby products were inside!! There was a brush & comb, A dummy clip, nappy rash cream & a teething chew toy thing, and we get to keep it! There was Guess the baby food game, Pin the baby on the belly, Pin the dummy on the baby's mouth, Guess the Blue Gumballs, Guess the Smarties, Who can dress the baby the quickest, Who can pair & fold socks the quickest, Guess the circumference of my belly ... and I think that may be it.. If I remember any others I will edit and add them in!

There was lots of nommy food aswell! I hope everyone had lots! and that they were full! :)

And here, are all the presents!! MY GOD I got spoilt! Well I should say Jelly got spoilt! I soooo was not expecting that much stuff! I will tell you we got enough wipes, nappy bags, creams, lotions etc to last us til Jelly is atleast a year old if not older! haha

Can't thank everyone who came enough!! THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!!! I just hope everyone else had fun aswell!!!

I didn't send people home empty handed either! I bought these little thankyou bags off ebay! the lady makes the chocolates herself!! I thought they were PERFECT! and they were bigger pieces of chocolate than what I thought they'd be aswell so I was VERY happy with them!! Lucky I ordered too many coz me and Kyle got a bag to ourselves hehe.

And this, this is the rug we bought to pretty up the baby room a bit, it does look a bit lary glary on its own, but it does add some colour to the room, and makes it seem a bit more homely, and complete :)

AND THIS picture, is of the very first load of washing I did that was full of baby stuff!! :) It's all the facewashers, hand mitten towel things and bibs we got!! on the other side is the 3 hooded towels we got too! (but you can't see them! :P)

And that concludes our little update on baby related stuff :) I have another midwife appointment on monday so if anything exciting happens there I will be sure to share! But until then - I'll see ya's on facebook! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

31 weeks 1 day

OMG so much has happened today! MUST UPDATE! :)

Where oh where to begin... hmm, well I guess with the start of the day! I went to go outside to hang the clothes on the line and there was 2 BIG PARCELS SITTING ON MY DOORSTEP!!! Excitement much?!?

First was something baby shower related so I won't say too much in this post coz I don't want to spoil anything, and the other was a box from Ness!!! Wasn't expecting that at all!! So big thankyou's have been sent her way!! Can't wait to dress Jelly up in the beanies and socks she gave us!!


Then not long after that excitement mumsy came up and we started some cleaning!! I am glad to say that the window railing things are cleaned out! HOORAY! thanks mumsy!! I did try to clean the venetian blinds but ended up breaking one - so now there are 2 broken ones that have fallen down so I stopped doing that!

AND mumsy also brought down THE COT FRAME!!!! So we got that set up as shown in the top left picutre.
Also - The "close and secure sleeper" came! mum showed me and gave me the manual but I don't get it til the baby shower, which is okay!

Later in the afternoon after taking Brandon to soccer practice we went up to the square! SHOPPING!!! Mumsy Bought a matress!! As shown in the top right corner. It fits, but as you can see in the bottom two pics I'm worried there's a bit of a gap, and I'm not sure how much space is too much space...

I also got spoilt with new shoes, A Maternity singlet top (Reduced to $12 - They'll go into the hospital bag!!) new knickies, and 4 maternity bands ($5 for a pack of 2 - they're those things that sit around your belly kind of like material belts, but they're big) I think that's all. But it's always exciting to get new things!

So yeah, all this new stuff today has made me excited! and I am sooo happy the front room is pretty much 100% clean! Will just need to keep vacuuming, and just need to sort out the few things in the cupboard that can probably be placed elsewhere!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

30 weeks 5 days

So today I had my midwife appointment, which I must say went REALLY well.

Kidney U/S results were just that they were inflammed due to pregnancy - the body does weird things to accomodate for the growing baby, and if the pain was to persist or get worse I would have had to see a specialist and then decide whether or not I was to get the stenting done which I am GLAD it didn't have to come to that because there's no way in hell I was getting that done!!

My Iron levels were good which is great! My Haemogloblins (or however you spell it) are a bit low but she said that's not an issue.

My Glucose Tolerance Test came back good! My sugar levels were 4.6 which means no gestational diabetes for me. If It was up around 7 or 8 then there would have been trouble!!

Then the FUN part, listening to and feeling bub! Heartbeat was around 145-150bpm so it's slowing down a bit. She got it as soon as she put the stick to my belly which was pretty cool!
AND Jelly is head down bum up! Kind of in a C shape. Well a back to front C if you were to look at me. If I look down Jelly is a big C! haha.
All the "limbs" are to the right, head is down the bottom, back and bum kind of arch around the top. (when I look down)

Next appointment is in a fortnight! I will be asking about the hospital bag then!

In other news: JELLY WE HAVE A PRESENT WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO OPEN UNTIL YOU'RE BORN!!! so hurry up and be born so I can open the present! lol

We got it off Margi at work!!! I sooooo want to open it knowing she'd never know, but it would play on my conciousness!! I won't do it! promise! I can wait!! :)

Baby Shower is this saturday! omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!! Can't express enough how excited I am to see everyone and play games and eat lots of nommy food!!! It has come up so quick!!! Definately taking LOTS of photos!!!

BUT before that, we have antenatel classes on wednesday! I am excited about this also!!! I WILL BE LEARNING STUFF! haha. But the 2nd one Kyle is away on a work trip, So I will be asking if it's at all possible to have a catch up class and sit in on another groups class when they have that one because it is an important one for Kyle to be there for - It's about the role of the support person, pain in childbirth, stages of labour and pain relief! and I don't want to go on my own!

Anyways, I think that's all I have to update you all on for now! But there is going to be lots to be said over the next few days so UNTIL THEN.....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Weeks

30 week bump pic... Looks smaller than at 28 weeks :\ ..... my belly measurements have been the same the past few weeks.

15kg all up weight gain so far.

Havent had any appointments to update you on, haven't bought anything.

Bub is still kind of quiet, don't get too many kicks, it's mainly moving around and it feels super weird! lol

Was talking to Fay out in the lunch room the other day about holidays and maternity leave, and lorraine was sitting there aswell, and she turns to me and goes "Are you pregnant?????" and I'm like "yeah!!" and she asked how far along I was and I said "almost 30 weeks" and she just didn't believe it!!
Was the same at the start of that shift when I was telling Rach from office how many shifts I had left, and a checkout chick asked where I was going, and I said Maternity leave and she had the same reaction as lorraine "Are you pregnant!?!" *sigh* I wish I looked preggers! Damn height. They all started joking about saying I'm just eating heaps and getting fatter just so I can have the time off and come into work later in the year pushing around a baby doll... sooo not funny!

Only 7 more shifts to go. On Holidays for 3 weeks starting next week, then I go back to work for a week then GONESKIES!!!!!

Midwife appointment next Monday so I should have something more exciting to say then lol.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

28 weeks

Just a quick update with a bump shot, not much to report other than I'm fat and can't wait til bub is out! Ofcourse so I can meet the little bubba but also so I can lose the ridiculous amount of weight I have gained! I miss wearing normal clothes.

Little bugger is kicking as I type this, how is it possible to love something before it's even born :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

27 weeks 1 day

Wow, 27 weeks! Can you BELIEVE IT!?! 10-13 weeks to go!

Sad thing is though, I've already put on 13kg! Surely I can't put on too much more - but I'm still not showing too much, and bub has ALOT more growing to do!!

Updates -

  • Ultrasound, got there, had the ultrasound done on my kidneys, lots of deep breathing in, holding, and letting go. She had a REALLY quick look at Jelly to see the heartbeat. And then when it was done she said she had to go get a doctor to look over it, nothing to worry about and she'd be back soon. 20 minutes later! Gahh! thought something must have really been wrong. Said for me to organise to have an appointment with DR Bull - who was on the referral, I told her I only seen him once in hospital and my GP was Tinker, so she made me send a copy to Tinker and organise to see her soon, then as I left, I remembered Casey (midwife) was going to be looking at the results, and I guess she'd get them off the results sent to Dr Bull, so I am hoping that sending copies to Tinker didnt rule out the copies sent to Dr Bull.
    It also got me thinking maybe something is a little wrong if I have to go see a doctor about the results, but Casey said she'd call if anything was wrong, and I haven't heard from her..

  • Glucose Tolerance Test, as soon as I got there she sat me down and brought me over the dreaded glucose drink! It was green, and cold, and fizzy and 50% SUGAR! ahhhh! It was sooo sweet!! and like 800kj+ And what was worse was I had 5 minutes to drink it in!! I really didn't want to drink it too quick because I have had a friend who drunk it quick and threw it all up! But I was fine, then I had the hour wait, but that was ok, as I had the TV remote (ha ha ha to all the other suckers in the waiting room, morning show it is) and I had Facebook on my mobile, then went and grabbed a magazine. The hour went pretty quick. Then I got my Blood taken and that was it, off home! No idea when I get my results for this, I guess, again, if It's bad Casey will call me.

Now, Yesterday, was the last day of the Big W baby sale, and when I went when it first started they had NOTHING THAT I WANTED THERE!! So in my lunch break me and kyle went in to see if they had any newborn nappies so we could grab 2 boxes for $60, but they had none, so I thought I'd have a quick look in the clothing, and lo and behold, they got the jumpers I wanted in! So I grabbed it and ran off to the checkouts like a happy little school girl! haha. They had a few other things I wanted in but I thought it best to restrain myself til the Baby Shower, I VOW to not buy one more thing until then! (lets hope I can stick to it)

And this, Is what kyle wanted, A winnie the pooh clothes hamper, I didnt really think we needed it, but he wanted it and got it, he got this the day his mum came into big w and put like $180 of stuff on layby.

Oh, last night, was the WORST. NIGHT. EVER! Woke at 1am to pee, woke at 4:30am with a cramp in my right leg, woke at 6:30am with a cramp in my left leg!!! Woke up soo tired :( and cramps are so painful!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

26 weeks 4 days

So to update on the back pain thing - went to the hospital doctor last friday (who turned out to be an OB), she said it definately would be my kidney (after being told by my GP & midwife it wasn't) and I have a referral to get an ultrasound done next tuesday on my kidneys to compare to the one I had while in hospital.

She brought up stenting... I had NO idea what that was, come home and googled it, and lets just say there is no freaking way I am getting that done! I think I would rather live with the pain til bub is out then get a tube that is 30cm long put into my body. Just have to wait until tuesday I guess. Although I dont know whats gonna happen if they find nothing is wrong with my kidneys... would be nice to know what this pain is!! Although the past few days it hasnt been that bad, today it was actually my belly that hurt!!

The OB also said that if I kept up with the panadeine fort til birth then bub would have codeine withdrawls once it's out :( and that kind of makes me sad.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

26 weeks

Okay, so I think it's safe to say I MAY start to be getting a bit of a belly, but still quite small to other people due the same time as me. Although scrolling down to the pic of me in the same shorts you can definately tell that I've grown a fair bit!!

So the outcome of that doctors appointment was to put me on panadiene fort. Which kinda sucks as it doesnt help the pain, it just makes it go away for 2 hours. Don't really want to be relying on pain killers until jelly is born! and I dont think I could cope with this pain until then either!!

At my midwife appoinment I did a urine test, and she came back telling me I am a mystery case as it was clear so it can't be my kidneys. She suggested a massage - which I got this morning. (went way too fast) and put me in to see a hospital doctor this friday. So hopefully I get some answers soon! I'm starting to think it could be a nerve thing. Waiting to see if this massage has helped or not. No full on pains as such just yet, but I did get a mild amount at lunch today.

Also have my glucose tolerance test coming up, most likely take it next wednesday before work, as it's the only time I have to do it.

Last night I was getting kicks down near the belly button but then I was also getting punches right at my side!! (which is right near the pain) so I bet this little bugger is causing it all! haha.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

24 weeks 5 days

I'm on a roll, posted this pic on FB and EB so now here, my blog. lol

This pic was taken today... so 24weeks and 5days! Ladies at work are still asking when you're going to show Jelly, so it would be nice if you could just grow out a little bit so people believe you are in there. Kthnxbai!


My Midwife called this morning to make our next appointment. She asked how I was, and I told her I was in hospital while she was on holidays - she thought it was the time I went in for the bleed - so I had to tell her about the kidney infection. She asked how I was now, told her the truth, that the pains are back! They started up yesterday with a vengance! Couldnt work properly! was hunched over at the slicer at one stage, took panadol but only lasted 2-3 hours. Worst Pain EVER.
She suggested I go see my GP before I see her unless I wanted to end up in hospital again I was just like OH GOD NO! So I have a doctors appoinment for 11:45am tomorrow. She thinks I may get put on antibiotics again - not that I think they did much but oh well. I just hope it's not something that is going to stick around for the whole pregnancy, dunno how I would cope! ESPECIALLY at work!!

I have a feeling maybe Jelly is growing into my back and ramming my kidneys and thats why they hurt! LOL! and THATS why I'm not showing! hehe.

Anyways, that's about it! Lets hope this pain pisses off soon!

Monday, January 24, 2011

23 weeks 6 days

It's been a while hey, I guess you could say alot of stuff has happened since. But we'll get onto the serious stuff later.

THE FRONT ROOM IS OFFICIALLY CLEANED OUT!!!!!!!!!!! Bar the runners in the windows, they're still gross. But everything is clean!!! Walls, Roof, Carpets, Windows. DONE. Now all that needs to be done is to get rid of the chair and table thats in there and clear out the cupboard!

To celebrate we bought this chest of drawers from chandlers!! wooo!!! and the 3 sesame st pics we bought from the target sale - we decided to put up on the wall already! haha We already put all the baby clothes we already own into the chest too!! :D How exciting!!!!

Last Thursday Kyle OFFICIALLY felt his first Kick!!! :) :) :) and then the day after we saw it kick from the outside!! haha that was weird!!

This is the car seat we got for christmas off mumsy! The fitting for it is in the middle, but if we were to have it in the middle that means both front seats need to be pushed way forward, so we tried it behind the passenger seat, it needs to be pushed up but atleast the car seat fits snugly behind it. We need an extension for the straps and need the hook to be moved to the side so we can attatch it to the car.
But kyle sat in the front with the car seat in and said theres no way we can do long trips like that, so I guess me or him will have to sit in the back with bub... IF theres more room back there. Haven't even TRIED the pram yet lol no idea if that'll fit in the boot lol.
I don't wanna sell bubble :( and I really dont trust Kyles car - which he is quite pissed off about, but it's true, I wouldnt drive it the way it is and I wouldnt want Jelly in there.

And I guess that brings me to the reason why I haven't updated in a while. The night of Jan 13, I woke in the middle of the night to the worst shakes ever, and I was FREEZING cold, got up and put winter PJs on and went back to sleep, woke up sweating my ass off, so ripped it all off, got up and felt fine. Wasnt til after breakfast that I started to go downhill again, just felt like shit. In the afternoon after a call to mumsy I decided I better get to the doctors, as I just felt really hot, and really out of it. Doctor took my temp - 38.8, got a urine sample, and said they found a bug, put me on antibiotics, told me to buy a themometer to check my temps and sent me home....got NO sleep that night AT ALL.
Next day, I was USELESS, layed on the couch all day, had really bad back pains, worst fever ever, shakes returned, and a KILLER headache. Leesha was up spending time with me - well I just layed there dead and she just sat there staring at the wall LOL, I checked my temp again 39.4! Mum had messaged her asking how my temp was, when she found out she was on the phone to leesha telling me to get to the hospital ASAP. I was kinda hesitant to go, because I didnt really think anything was wrong.
Got to the emergency at about 4pm maybe, 1-2 hours later in the waiting room at emergency I finally got in. That time waiting was the worst, as all I wanted to go was lay down.
As soon as I got in, I got one of those things attatched to my hand and was hooked up to a drip. Blood tests were taken, many questions were asked. The whole time I was there they were asking about UTI's and whether it hurt when I pee or if I had been going to wee more often all to which I said no, I think they really wanted to put it down to a UTI lol.
A couple of hours after being in that room I was wheeled to the other part of emergency where everyone else is aswell. They kept checking my temp, asking how I was feeling, changed my drip bag... also got an ultrasound on bub which was REALLY good, but I was freaking thinking she was gonna say "oh your little girl is doing great" or "your little boy is fine" but she didnt lol kyle had a better look at the screen then I did and I told him he better not have seen anything lol.
Kyle ended up staying with me til we knew what was going on.... about 10:30pm
Got Wheeled over to the maternity ward at like 1:30am!!
The night lady was really nice, she was my favourite!
So yeah, I was stuck in there for 3 nights, my fever peaked again on sunday, had the shakes again real bad. Got an ultrasound done on my kidneys. Ate some terrible food, ate some okay food, got no sleep, took a shit load of pain killers, had antibiotics pumped into me every night, woke with back pains every night (which was actually kidney pains) wasnt until monday that I was told it was a Kidney infection which was caused by the pregnancy and somehow my urinary tract is related to it all somehow so I am to drink 3L of fluids a day to wash it out.
I was in the worst section too, the very first room on the left, no door & very busy part of the ward = NOISY FREAKING PEOPLE WALKING PAST 24/7, people stopping and talking on their phones outside my room, and there was a door somewhere that kept opening and slamming shut 24/7 I just wanted to find it and blow it up!
On my last day there 2 ladies got wheeled into my room with their newborns, I was SO glad they released me coz there was NO WAY I was staying with 2 newborns in the room. I was DESPERATE for a good nights sleep, and seriously I was going crazy in there, I missed Kyle, I was lonely, and it sucked not knowing what was wrong with me.

So I am hoping I don't need to go back to hospital to stay UNLESS I am having the bub!

For now I am on antibiotics, one every 6 hours, So I gotta wake myself at midnight and 6am to take one, then take one at 12pm and 6pm. Oh the joys - can't wait til thats over so I can get a full nights sleep.

Anyways I think thats all I need to say for now. Might be back tomorrow with a 24 week bump pic.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

22 weeks

Man have I gotten fat! All up I've put on 10kg! and I am only 22weeks!! Hoping I don't put on more than 20kg! eeek!

Anyways... baby updates.. hmmm well I have been getting quite a few leg cramps at night time which sucks, Im up every night around 3am or 4am needing to wee!

The other night I woke at 2am with the worst abdominal pain EVER, couldnt sleep on my side, on my back, sitting up, nothing! so I ended up getting up and going online for an hour googling while I waited for the panadol to set in! then went back to bed at about 3:20am!

I think that same night I made kyle put his hand to my belly just as we got into bed (that's when jelly is most active) and I felt jelly move and said "THERE!!! DID YOU FEEL IT?" and hes like yeah but I didnt know whether it was you or what. HAHA I just told him it was the baby moving! he's so silly!!
Kerry & Bec are organising the baby shower this weekend! I am so excited LOL I started making the guest list, I just hope my baby brain hasnt forgotten anyone!!! It's going to be on March 19! I CAN'T WAIT!!
oooooooooooh and ALSO all my forms are in for Annual and Maternity leave! WOOOHOOOO! Taking hols from March 14 - April 3, will be back at work for a week, then I am GONESKIES! I was a bit confused with the bit where I say how long I will be gone for, I am entitled to 2 years, but I am not sure whether I would want to go back early for a day or 2 a week, so I asked Bel and she said put 1 year because if I put 2 they may replace my position and if I wanted to come back earlier it may be harder for me to get back in, then I went and asked Ruth (she for some silly reason thought I was only taking 6months HAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT) and she said to put a year because its easier to reduce my leave then to extend it, so I got confused and just put a year, although I kinda want like a year and 8 months, coz if I take a year I'm due back April 2012, and we're getting married Oct 2012, and I kinda don't want to have to fart ass around trying to get time off for the wedding planning, and honeymoon etc... so I dunno maybe I will wait the year, see how I go, and maybe ask to extend it.
Although Ideally I want to get my cert III done and get into admin work when I go back to work...
...Oh, and Kate bought me the pram pandora charm! YAY so now I have a charm to represent my pregnancy! and when Jelly is born I can get the girl or boy baby charm!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

21 weeks 1 day

SO, no more bleeding which is GREAT news!

I had an appointment with Casey on Tuesday, it was decided that I was not to have an ultrasound because I had no more bleeding, and it didnt hurt when I did. She said it was just as good to hear the heartbeat than it was to have an ultrasound.
So she had a listen and all was good.

I asked her what the reason would have been for the bleed, and she said that it was nothing that I had done, it was just one of those mysteries of pregnancy... so I got NO idea why it happened... would have been good to know! Oh well, atleast jelly is happy and healthy, thats the main thing!

OH I forgot to say! I got my first kick on christmas eve at lunch time! then again on christmas day around the same time! YAY! I feel movements pretty much every day now!! I love it everytime it happens!!

Also put a port-a-cot on layby at target, forgetting Lindy brought one up! Oh well, now we have 2 I guess, one for mumsys, and one for kyles mums/holidays.

Starting to clear out the front room too, just a few random things in there that need to be chucked or taken downstairs, then once its all out we'll get a professional in to clean the carpets etc. Can't wait til its all clean and all set up!

It's just a matter of piggy not soiling herself in there when its all clean!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

20 weeks 4 days

Me & Jelly got a present today!!

Big thanks to Aunty Lindy!! :) Originally thought she'd bought it for mums friend Nikki, and then found out it was actually for me! haha, lindy thought it was odd that I didnt seem that excited LOL I am a goose!

I had a bit of a scare today - Had a bleed :(, ended up going in to the hospital to see one of my midwives. Got to hear Jelly's heart beat first, and it was all healthy sounding. Got my temp & heart rate checked. Also had to get a swab done, wasnt any bleeding when that was happening so hopefully thats good news.

Ended up being told to take a few days off work to relax - THANKGOD, She said to atleast take tuesday and wednesday off, but to call Casey on tuesday and to see her this week sometime, and to organise another ultrasound, so I asked her If I should take friday off aswell then, and she was like whats friday? I was a little confused thinking that I would need that day off if she wants me to have another ultrasound, but I ended up saying just work, so I guess I will tell my boss tomorrow that I need tue/wed off and still need to organise appointments for later in the week and will let her know if I need anymore time off.

I have to call the midwife if I have anymore bleeding thats heavy. Hopefully I wont need to.

So for now I guess I will put up my feet and relax....will update with the goings on in the week coming.