Tuesday, December 21, 2010

19 weeks

Just a quick post with my 19week "bump" shot, still can't really call it a bump, but it looked like one yesterday at work with my christmas shirt on, my work pants push my belly in, then up and out haha. I should probably start wearing those maternity pants soon hey? haha

Pretty sure I am feeling flutters now too! :) <3

3 more sleeps til christmas! :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

18 Week Ultrasound.

Well this morning went really quick! sheesh!

Had the ultrasound at 8:45am this morning, got a different guy to what we had the first time which made me a little sad straight up because I really liked the other fella, he did a good job!

Told us straight up he wasn't feeling very energetic today because he was half way through moving house so I instantly thought "great hes not gonna do a good job"

He had a look mainly at all the body parts, and body organs, didnt really look to much at the bub at full length, would have been good to look at the face a bit more, and get some full length shots but oh well what can you do.

Bub has even LESS room to move around in than last time! it's crazy! and the placenta is HUGE! Bub didn't do anything too exciting while we could see, moved a little bit but that was it! It's really got no room down near the legs either so maybe thats why I can't feel it kicking yet! Got no room to move!!

But anyways, here are the pics that are worth sharing.

The Foot!

The evil alien looking shot everyone gets lol

The only "profile" shot we got

Hand near its mouth

Squished Jelly!

Funny story too - Kyle came home with motion sickness after watching the ultrasound! LOL! AHAHAHAHA! How Funny is that!!! Silly bugger!
Anyways, got an appointment with Dr Tinker this afternoon at 4pm, may be my last with her until bub... if I can tell her I dont need to see her anymore.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

18 weeks 2 days

So it's been a while between posts, as I havent really had much to update you all on. No bump, Not feeling any kicks or movements. Nothing.

But today I had my midwife appointment.

  • My itchy skin is normal.
  • The stabbing pain I get near my belly when I roll over in the middle of the night is normal - ligaments and all that growing and stretching.
  • To get a doc cert for work its better for me to get that off a GP so I will be asking Tinker on monday.
  • I asked her about the popularity of a girls name we are thinking of, and she personally hasnt seen many this year, but its a name that comes and goes, so I am still thinking about it for now.
  • And I asked her about how long I get to stay after I give birth, and she said its completely up to me, depends on the birth etc etc, so THANKGOD I wont be kicked out of there straight after like Tinker pretty much told me would happen, if I am anxious about it all and feel I still need help with it all I can stay a day or 2. Which is nice to know that the option is there. But I will be waiting til the time comes and see how I feel!
  • I GOT TO HEAR THE HEARTBEAT! WOOOOO! Best part of the appointment!! I had been freaking out just a little due to the lack of bump and lack of feeling anything but as soon as I got to hear it I was just like THANKGOD! We could also hear the umbilicar cord swishing around at the same time as we heard the heartbeat was pretty cool! It started off at 140bpm but then got faster to 150bpm!

So I was very happy with all that. My next appointment with her is Jan 10! and I have my ULTRASOUND on monday the 20th dec which I am SOOOOOO excited about, and see Tinker that afternoon aswell!

1 week and a day til christmas! so exciting! all my christmas shopping is done! and I hear Jelly is getting some christmas presents aswell! how exciting!!

But for now I am off soon to have lunch with Kerry and exchange christmas presents, you'll all hear from me monday I am sure :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

17 weeks

Just to prove that not much is happening in the bump department I give you...

17 WEEK BUMP SHOT just looks like Ive put on 2kg of fat LOL. All the baby books say I should be able to feel movement any day now, but I feel nada! I reckon if it's anything like me and Kyle it is sleeping all the time lol!

Put on 700g this week :( kinda depressing, but I did have a HUGE week of eating! I even went to the gym 3 times, so imagine if I didnt! I would have put on more! lol

1 week & 5 days til I get to see Jelly again!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

16 Weeks

So, antenatel classes are all booked and start March 16 2011.

Today I went and bought some christmas presents for kyle to open on christmas day, but it's for Jelly. :) I got a 6pk of singlets, and a bodysuit like thing from kmart!

Still not really showing, well I dont think I am...hopefully soon.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

15 weeks

Well its been 5 weeks since the last belly shot so here I am at 15 weeks

Doesnt look much different from the 10 weeks shot hey? lol.

Well I am off to book into antenatel classes as tanja said she booked when she was 14 weeks and only JUST got in! Hope I can fit in to the one I want!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

14 weeks 5 days

I think I felt a flutter yesterday at work! But it left as soon as it came, so I can't be 100% sure!

Also prodding my belly everyday to see if I can feel it yet, find some bumpy stuff but not sure what I'm feeling for! lol.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

14 Weeks

Had my booking in interview today!

Met one of my midwives - Casey, she seems to be a really nice lady! :)

Had all the general questions about my health, and familys medical history, all the boring stuff. Went for about an hour.
Got alot of information sheets, and a book too.

At the end she asked if I wanted to hear the heartbeat and instantly I said YES!
She was searching for atleast 5-10mins, and I told her tinker could never find it, and that it just doesnt want to be heard, BUT SHE FOUND IT!! woohoo!! So I Officially heard the heartbeat for the first time today - coz I am pretty sure I didnt hear it at the ultrasound, I know I saw it, but didnt hear it.
She's certain it's a boy, don't know how she can tell by listening to the heartbeat but it's interesting to know what her thoughts are on the sex! :)

My next appointment with her is in a month, so Dec 17.

Friday, November 12, 2010

13 weeks 3 days

Yesterday I got the results from my NT scan. Before the test my odds of having a baby with Down Syndrome was 1:950* and my chances AFTER they reviewed my results is 1:19,600* So I'm pretty sure it's safe to say my baby is fine! Hooray!
Called the Union about all this work stuff, it was too early when I first rang so I had to leave a message, they got back to me to say to call again tomorrow.
So I rang again today, the guy pretty much told me its not where I WANT to go as they can put me anywhere "within the 4 walls of woolworths" its about being put onto jobs that better suit me no matter what time of day blah blah blah, and pretty much said I need a doctors certificate. Jerk.

I did some shopping today!!!

I went to Mum n Me downtown and I got myself a band to help support my lower back while at work!

and while I was there I got a FREE Bounty Bag!! Woohoo!! Lots of samples, and information & Freebies!

After that I went up to the square and got myself a new bra (a cup size up!) and a maternity top (just a light grey flowy top)
So now I feel alot better that I've bought some stuff for myself! Although I really need new shorts or skirts!! My old skirt doesnt fit anymore!! I wear that thing all the time in summer!!
Anyways this was just a quick update as I am off to lunch with Mum, Meesh & the kids! Until next time!
* Rough numbers as I cant remember the exact!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

13 weeks

So, almost everyone knows I have a bun in the oven! It's kind of exciting to know that everyone knows now and makes it alot easier for me to not keep it secret anymore.

Last doctors appointment went pretty well. Still can't hear a heartbeat, the cheeky bugger doesn't want to be heard!
Got my referral for my 19 week scan, and booked it straight away, I'm in for Monday Dec 20th 8:45am! So early! I am going to have to get up at 7am just to do my water prep!

Had a pretty crap past 20 hours or so. Went back to work after 6 days off to find out I was closing alone with one of the new boys. And tuesday/wednesdays there are no cleaners, so I started work and was talking to my boss about who was closing etc tonight and she confirmed it was just me and the new boy, in a joking tone I said "so when are you taking me off the closes?" she responds with "do you have a doctors certificate" to which I replied "no but I should get one, I just want day shifts" she started to get a bit narky replying "I can't change everyones hours just to suit you, if you want day shifts you can go to checkouts!" (CHECKOUTS IS THE LAST PLACE I WANT TO GO!!!) Which I took pretty badly, before she even knew I was pregnant she was hypothetically talking about what would happen if she fell pregnant, and she was saying she would be saying 'see you later' if it were to happen around christmas time, and she would want to work all the easier shifts, and its just fucked that now its actually happening, and to me, she couldn't give a stuff about the workload I have to do in a close.
I had to close seafood, clean the floors of seafood then come down to deli and clean deli floors which I am TERRIBLE at doing. On my way home I just burst into tears because I just CANT see myself doing this until I leave work.
I got home and vegged out on the couch for a while, when I got up I couldnt freaking walk! my back had just caved in, Im freaking out thinking it was gonna stay that way, but thankgod this morning its ok. If I were still in pain I was going to call in sick and get that freaking doctors certificate!

Poor kyle had to put up with me crying myself to sleep, and I KNOW its just the hormones, but Ive worked myself up to beleiving work would be considerate, and give me easier shifts as everyone else who falls pregnant there gets the easier stuff, but NO not me.

Called mum this morning, and she thinks I just need to suck it up, she got no special treatment at her work when she was preggers, and thinks I just asked too soon. I dunno, I just dont want anything bad to happen.

Gah, okay I think I have ranted enough!! Sorry for this blog to be a sooky la la one I just needed to get it all out of my system!!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Ahhhhh!!!!! Best thing ever today!!!! Had our 12 week ULTRASOUND!!!!

ALL is well with bub, everything is growing well and normally! It's measuring at 12 weeks and 5 days, but thats ok its only 3 days difference, I will keep counting down the weeks as I have been. CRL is 66.7mm, and it had a 155bpm. For the NT side of it the back of the neck measured 1.5, which is normal thankgod, if it was above 2.5 then we would have had to worry.
It was moving around a little bit! Was kicking off me, then doing a little movement, kinda like a back roll haha. It also had its arms up at its mouth at one stage!! Wayyy too cute!!
It's spine looked MASSIVE and its arms were heaps long! Looked like a little chubba too!!!
I was loving every second of the ultrasound and was so sad it was over! wish I could see it everyday!
Now I am looking forward to the next one at 20 weeks!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

12 Weeks!


So alot more people now know our news!

When I gave my sister her shirt she thought that I was trying to tell her I thought that SHE was pregnant LOL she's so silly! So we pretty much had to spell it out for her.

Dad was the same, said the top was nice, and asked where we got it, but I dont think he really understood, so I'm like "Dad you know what that means right?" he looked at it, then to me and shook his head, so I had to spell it out "you are going to be a pop" pointing to me and kyle as I said it LOL

After the ultrasound I am going to go into work and show whoever is on the pic we get, and let the rest of them know, so then everyone can know.
I just can't wait til I can see the bub! can't wait can't wait can't wait!!

I'll be back with a pic of the bubby!!!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

10 weeks 5 days..

OMG, my belly is huge, and its not baby its fat from all the food I have been eating LOL. That pic is 10weeks 1 day.

So friday was a success I guess you could say! Went out to my mums first for a late lunch, after we ate I gave her her wrapped present...she thought it was undies, then guessed a baby bonnet (wtf!? lol) when she opened it, it took her a while, then she asked if I was pregnant haha, and looked at me, then I lost it, bawled my eyes out while nodding yes, which made her cry then we hugged for a while ... I was such a big baby lol, Kyle was sitting there probably thinking I was a freak! haha.
She's so silly, she asked if I wanted to be, OFCOURSE! We'd only been trying since June!
When the kids got home at 4:20pm we told them they were going to be an aunty and uncle, they didnt quite respond how I thought they would, didnt say anything, just gave strange looks and continued doing what they were doing... I know they'll be more excited when they actually see a baby belly. Can't wait for them to be able to feel it kick aswell as everyone else.
After we visited my mum, we went out to kyles mum, We gave her her wrapped gift, and she read it, then did the laugh she does, and I could tell she was getting a little teary, and asked if we were having a bub, told her yes, and shes like noooo really?? and came and gave us a hug! :)
Kyle called his brother in Dubbo while we were out there, and we went up to his other brothers house to tell him and his family aswell.
Off to my sisters this weekend to give her her shirt, then on the way home will visit my dad to give him his.
For now, thats it on the updates.
1 week and 4 days til my 12 week scan! woohoo!

Monday, October 18, 2010

9 weeks 5 days

Thought it be time for a little update.

I'm no longer feeling sick and nauseous all day! woohoo!!! That sucked to have to be eating all day everyday just to feel a little bit better! Although I am getting a little bit of an appetite on me!

We've decided to tell our mums this coming friday!! I bought tops off ebay to give them so they can figure it out for themselves when they open it. For my mum "My grandma loves me" and for kyles mum "Don't mess with me coz my grandma kicks butt" I am hoping my mum can keep it secret from my sister coz I want to tell her the week after...I got her a shirt too "My aunty is simply the best" and also one for my dad "The best thing about pops house is pop" :) Cant wait to hand them out!!

Found out the other week that my friend tash from highschool is also pregnant! She's 2 weeks ahead of me though, so we're pretty close! She's up in brisbane though so I dont get to see her too much! would be good if she still lived here, but we can still chat through facebook and sms.

Looking forward for my 12 week scan, I just want to know that its in there, and its growing, and its healthy!!
I'll be telling work the week after aswell, hopefully they can take me off the late nights asap after I tell them! *fingers crossed*

Anyways I think that all the updates for now. Will let you know how the telling the mums goes!

Monday, October 11, 2010

8 weeks 5 days

Went and saw my new GP today, omg I love her lol, well she's alot more knowledgable then my last gp thats for sure. Got my 12 week scan referral so I am a happy chappy! she did ask why I wanted it and such, and what Id do if it came back that I would have a baby with abnormalities took me a bit aback, I guess Id keep it, dont really want to think that way... but yeah.
she used the mini stick thing to see if she could find a heart beat but she couldnt but thats ok coz she only hears 1 in every 4.

My fundal height is 9cm!

Also she told me the midwifery service after labour is only 6 hours not 24!!! I cant leave hospital 6 hours after giving birth!!!! Will have to think about this i guess.

Also asked if Id had my tetnus shot, I said yes 3 years ago, and she asked me to find out whether it had boostrix in it or not, so I called up my old doctors, and they reckon they have no records of it, so GREAT just GREAT! I KNOW I had it when I was 21, and at my old drs clinic. but they reckon it wont hurt me if I get it again.

ALSO, I go back to the GP in a month, and shes giving me a pap smear! when she asked about it I pulled a funny face, and she asked why I pulled it, and I said because I hear there is alot of for and against pap smears while pregnant, she told me when ur not pregnant in pap smears they go into ur cervix, but while ur pregnant they stay on the outside, I trust her, and I really do need one as I had an abnormal one a year ago.

So I got my yellow antenatal card and everything. its all very exciting right now.

Booked in for my 12 week scan today aswell!!! Its booked for Nov 5! 12:15pm I can't wait to see our little baby :)

I was in with my GP for atleast 45mins just talking about everything. was great.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

8 weeks

So, blood test results were "no abnormalities" no HCG level nothing, Just great! Oh wells, atleast nothing is wrong and its still kicking :)

So an annoying little routine has begun! my bladder decides to be at its FULLEST 1/2 an hour or 1 hour before my alarm is due to go off! and I dont even drink too much before I go to bed! maybe a mouthful or 2 of water and thats it!

3 and a bit weeks til I can tell everyone!! Was going to tell mum and my sister a little earlier, but I keep debating with myself whether I should or not.
Mums having a PASH party when I will be in my 11th week.. but I dont want to take all the attention away from it being her party... so I was thinking maybe the weekend after. But my sister lives up in brisbane so I would have to go up and visit her ... I guess its an excuse to go check out her new place though.

Also... put on 2.3kgs!!! in like a month I think! I am kinda disgusted in myself! Been eating heaps lately, but only because I feel sick if I don't! So I am off to the gym for the next 3 days (well thats my goal) I havent been in 2 weeks so I think its best I should lol.

Told another friend, at 7 weeks and 2 days... so now 3 friends know. and I know a few friends I havent told yet will be pissed they didnt find out earlier... but I hope all will be forgiven when they do find out :)

Doc appointment with Dr Tinker is next monday, hoping to get my referral for my 12 week scan!

So thats all in news now.. til next time

Monday, September 27, 2010

6 weeks

So had a little freak out yesterday.. had a little spotting!!

Made a doctors appointment today, and the receptionist told me to go to the hospital if I got bad cramping and heavy bleeding, after I hung up I bawled my eyes out just at the thought of that happening.

So I went to the doctor at 2pm, and got told 20% of pregnant ladies experience some form of bleeding and it could possibly be fine.. he felt my belly, checked my pulse, told me I haven't lost it... which I knew I hadnt... but I still worry that something else is happening...

He also said I am a very anxious person and I should look into meditation. He told me everytime I come in to see him I seem really anxious and need to calm down a little as as the pregnancy continues along its gonna put more stress on my body.
I can't help but worry, its just who I am, plus it's always nerve wrecking visiting the doctors! especially after experiencing bleeding in early pregnancy.

Anyways its just a wait and see thing for now, he said that I probably could bleed again.. I got another blood test done to see what my hcg levels are... find out that result in a couple of days!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

So many calls!

Wow, have I been through alot lately OR WHAT!!

So I called the number I was given for the OB, was told its the wrong number, so they give me another, that number doesnt exist.... so I called the main desk at the hospital asking for dr amelia hare and they forward me on to her number, she has a recorded message saying to call another number, I call that number, get a person, but only to be transferred onto a MESSAGE MACHINE!!!! AHHHH!! So I leave a message, hear NOTHING back for a week, call back telling them I havent heard from anyone, and that day they call back! FINALLY...So I was ---><--- close to getting an appointment made til she mentioned the midwifery service, and I said I was interested in that so she put me through to them which LO AND BEHOLD was ANOTHER answering machine, I leave my message... go to work, theyve called me back left a message apologizing for telephone ping pong. I leave a message 2 days later with my mob number and FINALLY a midwife calls! aaaaaand IM IN!! woohoo!! After ALL THAT!

So after I called my GP for blood test results (which are all good) I got an appointment made for and with a DR tinker, so I see her on Oct 12, she specialises in pregnant women and was only taking on new patients if they were pregnant....So when I see her I have to get copies of my blood test results, tell her I am doing the midwifery program, and get my scan referral for my 12 week ultrasound! After I have my 12 week ultrasound I book in to see my midwife!!

Sooooo much stuff to be done!! Can't wait til 12 weeks!!!!

Today I went to the Lismore Races, first time ever, wasnt too exciting... and wasnt asked or probed as to why I wasnt drinking so that was alright I guess :) Will be good when I can tell everyone so there isnt that fear of being asked why Im not drinking.

Anyways I guess thats enough rambling for now. More updates later.


Monday, September 13, 2010

2nd Doc's Appointment

So, I got my Blood Test Confirmed, it's official, I AM PREGNANT! Wooohooo!!

Went back today to see the doc, got a referral for an Ob/Gyno she's down at the base, so I am happy with that, atleast its somewhere where its all gonna happen in the end :)

Have to get more blood tests done. Was meant to get it done today, but the pathology person was gone... had to leave my urine sample there, and gonna go back tomorrow to get the blood test.

So I'll be calling the Dr at the Hospital tomorrow most likely, and try and get in to see her in a fortnight....although Dr Mario said I wont need to see her for a month, I'd like to get in early just incase!!

So it's all going along pretty slowly, just hope when I see the hosp doctor I can get more questions answered about the months to come!!

OH and we've already started looking at names!

If it's a boy we're thinking either Owen James or Noah James. If it's a girl Ruby Arabella, Arabella Ruby, Ruby Amara or Ruby Chelsea.

Not going to choose one until he/she is born! Want to see what they look like first :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Doc Appointment

Yesterday I had my first doc appointment!!!

Another new doctor yet again, unsure if he is one in training or not!
As soon as I told him I had 3 Positive Home Pregnancy tests he gave me a hi 5 and congratulated me lol

I did a urine test just to be sure, one came back okay, but the other was a bit slow, so I had to take a blood test just to make sure.. I find out the results for that tomorrow..

He also asked if there was a certain gyno I wanted to see but Ive never been so I said any... yet to know who I will be going to see....also asked whether I was going public or private..

I am to go back and see him again if the blood tests come back positive, which I am pretty sure they will be, I am just unsure of whats next, and when do I get all these scans people are talking about on the forums... he told me that there is no scan at 12 weeks??

Anyways me and kyle (yes I am saying his name as I dont think it matters anymore whether people know or not) went out for tea last night to celebrate, we went to hogs breath in Byron. It was so nice! And I got sooo full!! mmmm. Fondue for dessert was delicious! Was nice to sit there and talk about the next year and whats to come.

He's already decided on names mind you!!! He thought I was okay with them, but I am still open to change my mind. So if it's a girl he's adamant on Chelsea... and if it's a boy Owen because thats what he was almost called.

I think thats about it for now, hopefully I can get more answers next week!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fathers Day 2010

So, today is Fathers Day Sept 5 2010....

Decided to buy a home pregnancy test at groceries today, just thought you might like to see the result..




Gonna make a doc appointment on wednesday & go from there!!

so until then!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So no OFFICIAL news as yet... but I took a test early, got a Negative, what a waste, it was my last test! Now I have to go buy more!!


I havent got my period yet so it could still be good news!! I don't know why I didnt just wait until tomorrow but I just REALLY want to know!!

Getting ready to go on a road trip this week so I wanted to find out BEFORE I left so I could tell my partner and we could celebrate together! I dont want to know while I am away and tell him when I get back! That would be so hard.
Yet it's gonna suck to get my period while I'm away and be sad :(

So I guess I have a couple of days and I will know.... lets hope the next time I make an entry it is with good news!!

Cross your fingers for me!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 2010

So, first month trying didnt work. Wasnt expecting it to, just makes me more focused for next month. I still had times though where I thought I had symptoms, but obviously not.
I got my 2nd chicken pox shot over and done with. So now I'm all up to date with immunisations for me.

Two of my friends had their baby the other day! Clucky or what! and I am sooo jealous of the nursery they have set up! Its so nice!!! Our front room will never look like that, but I can try lol.

Anyways I guess thats in on updates, not that anyone is reading this now, maybe in the future. Who Knows.

Will update again in a month I guess and it'll be a yay or a nay!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Original title eh?

Anyways, blood test results were positive for rubella but negative for chicken pox!
I have been in and gotten my first chicken pox needle but need to go back in a month for another.

GOOD NEWS - it was only Rubella that we couldnt have unprotected sex for so YAY!

TTOM has returned aswell! so after work on sat I bought blackmores pregnancy & breast feeding gold.... some girls on a forum I am on said there is a conceive well gold... maybe I should be looking for that one next time lol, wanted to be quick so no one caught me buying it but they did lol. A girl on checkouts, but she wont spread it.

My Partner (still want to be anonymous atm) bought me some late bday presents aswell, two of them being baby related! he got me a pregnancy journal, and a "my first year" book. So to me this is a sign that he truly is ready for a baby aswell :) although I still do have doubts about the whole money situation, I just know that once I have this baby it will be all worth it....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More waiting

So, went to the doctors, and she was so confused hehe thought I was continuing on with the pill, and I was like no, me and my partner decided to try for one now after thinking that I could have been the last time I saw her.

So...She told me I should start taking blackmores pregnancy vitamin tablets when I get my next period as you''re meant to take them a month before you fall pregnant, and she gave me a graph on how ovulation works, and a list of things to avoid and to avoid eating while pregnant.

ALSO....had to have a blood test to see if I need shots for Rubella, or Chicken Pox (as I have never had chicken pox) I get the results for that tomorrow, If they are negative I need to go in and get shots, which means no unprotected sex for a month, which obviously means that we have to wait another month until we can try. but if its positive I wont need the shots. But she was also saying I will need to have my pap smear earlier! and if that comes back negative I gotta go to a gyno, and if its bad I will have to wait even LONGER to try.

I kinda hope that my period comes soon, so then we can get pregnant....and I dont have to get the pap, and hopefully get one AFTER the baby... cos I dont wanna wait months and months and months to try.... but then again I dont want cervical cancer either.


will be back with more updates soon.

I wonder though.... if when I finally do have my first born if he she will read this when they're old enough... and wonder if they think I am a nutter going through all this and posting it to the internet for all to see. or maybe for no one to see as I havent had any comments yet...

Maybe when I am 12 weeks along I will let some people know about this blog... who knows...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

hmm, maybe not

So alot has happened since I last typed in here.

I decided to come off the pill as me and my partner have decided, that we actually want to try to have a baby.

A week or less after I stopped taking them I got 2 heavy days of bleeding! not sure whether this was a period or breakthrough bleeding, so I took a test on the weekend I was due for my period... NEGATIVE. So I decided to wait the week out and see if my period came. NOPE. Did another test a week after the first one NEGATIVE. So I am a bit confused with what is going on at the moment!

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so maybe that will answer a few of my questions!

I've also had a lot of cramping and pains down there so Im hoping nothing bad is going on down there!!

Can't wait to finally be pregnant. Really want to start our little family :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More signs?

.. So... at work tonight I suffered some pretty bad cramps. but not normal pre-period cramps. different.
A little TMI maybe but I got a light spotting of blood... maybe the breakthrough bleeding I have been reading up about... you get it when the fertilized egg implants itself into the wall of the uterus....
Its the only thing that makes sense right now because my period never comes early..

Maybe I should buy that pregnancy test soon!!...

Stay Tuned.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The first of my thoughts.

So, I am only doing this at the moment because I am not really 100% sure if I
AM pregnant, and if I am not, then I guess there will be no point continuing on
this site, but then again if I am, then I want to have somewhere to write it all

So it all started I guess when I missed my first 3 active pills, and I was at
the doctors a week and half later for a pap smear I didnt end up needing. So I
told her about forgetting the pills and she tells me it is the worst 3 pills I
could miss and made me take a pregnancy test immediately!
It came back negative, but she let me know that it was most likely to come up
negative as it was too soon to tell... so since that day all I have been
thinking about is what if I am, what if Im not? and just needing to know.

I've been researching symptoms, and likeliness of me actually BEING pregnant.... and
as I check off many of the symptoms I am almost certain that I COULD be, Im
thinking there is like a 65-70% chance. But then again I dont want to be
disappointed if I'm not, its just that I have likened to the idea, and I have
the feeling my partner has also gotten used to the idea if I actually am

Symptoms I am getting already include minor cramps, (sometimes just on one
side, sometimes both), I've had a MASSIVE pimple outbreak which I have not had
since highschool! I thought I experienced the "metallic" taste in my mouth last
night but I cannot be sure. Bloating, Gas, Diarrohea (but only twice), Nausea
(but I was in the detergent aisle at a supermarket) and VERY sensitive nipples!!

But then again, this could all be in my head and none of them could relate to
this pregnancy I believe I have. I guess all I can do at the moment is wait until I am supposed to get my period, it honestly feels like its too far away to wait! I just want to know