Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More signs?

.. So... at work tonight I suffered some pretty bad cramps. but not normal pre-period cramps. different.
A little TMI maybe but I got a light spotting of blood... maybe the breakthrough bleeding I have been reading up about... you get it when the fertilized egg implants itself into the wall of the uterus....
Its the only thing that makes sense right now because my period never comes early..

Maybe I should buy that pregnancy test soon!!...

Stay Tuned.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The first of my thoughts.

So, I am only doing this at the moment because I am not really 100% sure if I
AM pregnant, and if I am not, then I guess there will be no point continuing on
this site, but then again if I am, then I want to have somewhere to write it all

So it all started I guess when I missed my first 3 active pills, and I was at
the doctors a week and half later for a pap smear I didnt end up needing. So I
told her about forgetting the pills and she tells me it is the worst 3 pills I
could miss and made me take a pregnancy test immediately!
It came back negative, but she let me know that it was most likely to come up
negative as it was too soon to tell... so since that day all I have been
thinking about is what if I am, what if Im not? and just needing to know.

I've been researching symptoms, and likeliness of me actually BEING pregnant.... and
as I check off many of the symptoms I am almost certain that I COULD be, Im
thinking there is like a 65-70% chance. But then again I dont want to be
disappointed if I'm not, its just that I have likened to the idea, and I have
the feeling my partner has also gotten used to the idea if I actually am

Symptoms I am getting already include minor cramps, (sometimes just on one
side, sometimes both), I've had a MASSIVE pimple outbreak which I have not had
since highschool! I thought I experienced the "metallic" taste in my mouth last
night but I cannot be sure. Bloating, Gas, Diarrohea (but only twice), Nausea
(but I was in the detergent aisle at a supermarket) and VERY sensitive nipples!!

But then again, this could all be in my head and none of them could relate to
this pregnancy I believe I have. I guess all I can do at the moment is wait until I am supposed to get my period, it honestly feels like its too far away to wait! I just want to know