Sunday, October 24, 2010

10 weeks 5 days..

OMG, my belly is huge, and its not baby its fat from all the food I have been eating LOL. That pic is 10weeks 1 day.

So friday was a success I guess you could say! Went out to my mums first for a late lunch, after we ate I gave her her wrapped present...she thought it was undies, then guessed a baby bonnet (wtf!? lol) when she opened it, it took her a while, then she asked if I was pregnant haha, and looked at me, then I lost it, bawled my eyes out while nodding yes, which made her cry then we hugged for a while ... I was such a big baby lol, Kyle was sitting there probably thinking I was a freak! haha.
She's so silly, she asked if I wanted to be, OFCOURSE! We'd only been trying since June!
When the kids got home at 4:20pm we told them they were going to be an aunty and uncle, they didnt quite respond how I thought they would, didnt say anything, just gave strange looks and continued doing what they were doing... I know they'll be more excited when they actually see a baby belly. Can't wait for them to be able to feel it kick aswell as everyone else.
After we visited my mum, we went out to kyles mum, We gave her her wrapped gift, and she read it, then did the laugh she does, and I could tell she was getting a little teary, and asked if we were having a bub, told her yes, and shes like noooo really?? and came and gave us a hug! :)
Kyle called his brother in Dubbo while we were out there, and we went up to his other brothers house to tell him and his family aswell.
Off to my sisters this weekend to give her her shirt, then on the way home will visit my dad to give him his.
For now, thats it on the updates.
1 week and 4 days til my 12 week scan! woohoo!

Monday, October 18, 2010

9 weeks 5 days

Thought it be time for a little update.

I'm no longer feeling sick and nauseous all day! woohoo!!! That sucked to have to be eating all day everyday just to feel a little bit better! Although I am getting a little bit of an appetite on me!

We've decided to tell our mums this coming friday!! I bought tops off ebay to give them so they can figure it out for themselves when they open it. For my mum "My grandma loves me" and for kyles mum "Don't mess with me coz my grandma kicks butt" I am hoping my mum can keep it secret from my sister coz I want to tell her the week after...I got her a shirt too "My aunty is simply the best" and also one for my dad "The best thing about pops house is pop" :) Cant wait to hand them out!!

Found out the other week that my friend tash from highschool is also pregnant! She's 2 weeks ahead of me though, so we're pretty close! She's up in brisbane though so I dont get to see her too much! would be good if she still lived here, but we can still chat through facebook and sms.

Looking forward for my 12 week scan, I just want to know that its in there, and its growing, and its healthy!!
I'll be telling work the week after aswell, hopefully they can take me off the late nights asap after I tell them! *fingers crossed*

Anyways I think that all the updates for now. Will let you know how the telling the mums goes!

Monday, October 11, 2010

8 weeks 5 days

Went and saw my new GP today, omg I love her lol, well she's alot more knowledgable then my last gp thats for sure. Got my 12 week scan referral so I am a happy chappy! she did ask why I wanted it and such, and what Id do if it came back that I would have a baby with abnormalities took me a bit aback, I guess Id keep it, dont really want to think that way... but yeah.
she used the mini stick thing to see if she could find a heart beat but she couldnt but thats ok coz she only hears 1 in every 4.

My fundal height is 9cm!

Also she told me the midwifery service after labour is only 6 hours not 24!!! I cant leave hospital 6 hours after giving birth!!!! Will have to think about this i guess.

Also asked if Id had my tetnus shot, I said yes 3 years ago, and she asked me to find out whether it had boostrix in it or not, so I called up my old doctors, and they reckon they have no records of it, so GREAT just GREAT! I KNOW I had it when I was 21, and at my old drs clinic. but they reckon it wont hurt me if I get it again.

ALSO, I go back to the GP in a month, and shes giving me a pap smear! when she asked about it I pulled a funny face, and she asked why I pulled it, and I said because I hear there is alot of for and against pap smears while pregnant, she told me when ur not pregnant in pap smears they go into ur cervix, but while ur pregnant they stay on the outside, I trust her, and I really do need one as I had an abnormal one a year ago.

So I got my yellow antenatal card and everything. its all very exciting right now.

Booked in for my 12 week scan today aswell!!! Its booked for Nov 5! 12:15pm I can't wait to see our little baby :)

I was in with my GP for atleast 45mins just talking about everything. was great.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

8 weeks

So, blood test results were "no abnormalities" no HCG level nothing, Just great! Oh wells, atleast nothing is wrong and its still kicking :)

So an annoying little routine has begun! my bladder decides to be at its FULLEST 1/2 an hour or 1 hour before my alarm is due to go off! and I dont even drink too much before I go to bed! maybe a mouthful or 2 of water and thats it!

3 and a bit weeks til I can tell everyone!! Was going to tell mum and my sister a little earlier, but I keep debating with myself whether I should or not.
Mums having a PASH party when I will be in my 11th week.. but I dont want to take all the attention away from it being her party... so I was thinking maybe the weekend after. But my sister lives up in brisbane so I would have to go up and visit her ... I guess its an excuse to go check out her new place though.

Also... put on 2.3kgs!!! in like a month I think! I am kinda disgusted in myself! Been eating heaps lately, but only because I feel sick if I don't! So I am off to the gym for the next 3 days (well thats my goal) I havent been in 2 weeks so I think its best I should lol.

Told another friend, at 7 weeks and 2 days... so now 3 friends know. and I know a few friends I havent told yet will be pissed they didnt find out earlier... but I hope all will be forgiven when they do find out :)

Doc appointment with Dr Tinker is next monday, hoping to get my referral for my 12 week scan!

So thats all in news now.. til next time