Thursday, April 28, 2011

37 weeks 2 days

Home from our midwife appointment!!!

Thought it was going to be a quick one today, Kyle came, and we went through the normal stuff, no stinging when I wee, no puffiness on hands or feet, no pains or anything unusual, did the blood pressure, made the appointment for next week, and I was thinking great, the one week Kyle makes it nothing happens, but then we had a listen/feel for bub.
She felt bub was certain head was down, back to the side like normal, but she couldnt find the heartbeat! even held bub in place, but just for the sake of it she moved the doppler to other spots on my belly, and lo and behold, she found it up higher, and she started to laugh a little nervously, and Im like Oh no what's that mean, and she said that if the heartbeats up there maybe its head up bum down not the other way around! AHHHH!!!
So she went and got a doctor in, (meanwhile I am freaking out thinking Im going to have to get a C-section when the time comes!) and he brought in the portable ultrasound machine thingy, and they had a look.
DEFINATELY HEAD DOWN! *huuuuuuuuuuge sigh of relief* Kyle got to watch the whole time, I didnt get to see a thing, screen wasnt facing me :( They measured the head, and I am guessing it was all normal, Kyle said he saw the number 17... so dunno if that was the measurement... does that even sound right? The doctor said there was lots of good "pockets of fluid" as he moved around the bub. Had a quick look at the heart, and the bladder, and everything was all good! yay! Kyle said bub was moving its arms around alot! hehe.

Next appointment is booked for next wednesday! I will be 38 weeks then! OMG!

OH, and my swab was good, no strep b for me! aaaand my haemoglobins are on the low side but nothing to be worried about.
Placenta is to the side at the front.

HAHA OHHHHH and, KYLE had to have his needle ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!! He got his boostrix shot then and there, sucker, now he's whinging that his arm hurts.

Hmmm, I think that's all that happened.... if I forgot anything I will come back and edit the post haha.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

37 weeks

So here's the 37 weeks bump shot, eww, Im starting to not like these bump pics anymore LOL such a weird shape it's becoming!! Also took a side/front pic aswell. which is obviously the right hand side picture.

So everything is pretty muchly ready for bub to arrive. I just need to make up the cot, which I might do next week or the week after (dont want to do it too early) and clean up/set up the bassinet.

I'm enjoying FINALLY being able to feel some pretty cool movements from bub, although it feels so strange when it does it up high near my ribs when Im sitting down!! Feels like I'm in it's way or something lol

Nothing to suggest bub is coming early, so I think we're in for a wait, I have a feeling I will go over, but Id like bub to come a week early :) that would be nice. Only pains I have been having is leg cramps in the night, although one night it's like my leg was paralysed! I couldn't move it without excruciating pain, and it wasnt a cramp coz theres no way I could stand up to walk it off!

Kyle seems to think bub is coming on my birthday, but me and Jelly will prove him wrong :) mwahaha.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

36 weeks 5 days

Dear Jelly,

This is your crazy Dad, and your Lazy Sister Piggy. You will ALWAYS find them lying on the couch doing nothing. Get used to this picture lol.

And this is a special present you got from Nanna's Aunty and her Cousins. My Nan taught your Nan's Aunty how to crochet, so she made it special for you! And the Presents are from your Nan's Cousins. You are one spoilt baby!

And one more thing Jelly, please no more stinging paralyzing pain down the inside of my leg at 6:30am in the morning please, it's not very nice, and it's even less nice when I can't get up to walk it off. All I could do was sit there in pain! Naughty Jelly. Please get off whichever nerve controls that.

That is all.

Love Mummy xoxox

Saturday, April 23, 2011

36 weeks 3 days

This is my new chair I bought second hand :) cost me $110, when I brought it home, seriously took me over an hour to clean it! was so dusty underneath, and had crap at the back of the seat and in the pockets. But that's okay, atleast now I know its 100% clean, and it's mine all mine.

Me testing it out. haha, loser much?

Not sure if I like where it is in the room, would like to move things around. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

36 weeks

Can you believe it? 4 weeks to go!! AHHHH!!!

Had my midwife appointment this morning, went for like 50mins lol, just chatting away. Took in my birth plan and she is happy with it. Bub is no longer posterior! WOOHOO! It has kind of moved around a little so now its back is in line with my side. Apparently it's in a perfect position. Yay! :)

Had to do my strep B swab aswell - which I hope I did right, and I got referral for my bloods to be done - which I shall do tomorrow.

Next appointment is in a week, made it for Friday so Kyle can come, he reckons he can't coz he's "busy" but I will make him, I didn't make it Friday for nothing! GRRR.

Also bought a second hand breastfeeding chair, it's one of those gliding ones and comes with a foot rest. Pick it up on friday! It's in pretty good condition too! Will take pics when I get it.

Tonight is also the last antenatel class! They've come and gone so quick!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

35 weeks

Bump shot! :) I've grown 1.5cm this week! woohoo! go baby Jelly go! Thought seeings how there are only 5 weeks to go I should update with a new pic each week.

I'm officially on maternity leave! woohoo!! Been spending my days doing baby washing, cleaning up it's room, sorting stuff out, adding things to my hospital bag, spending hours online, meeting up with friends for coffee and or lunch, so it's been good! don't know how much longer I will get to do it for alone so making the most of it :)

Got a nasty coldsore at the moment too, I'm not as upset as I normally would be, because I am glad it has come now and not in 5 weeks time, atleast it should be gone by the time bub is here (unless bub decides to come super early)

Also have the curtains put up in bubs room on the small window, bought long ones, that were $10 at spotlight, took them to Jess Jess to cut and hem, lol bless her, one is fine, but the other is longer and doesnt match the length of the other haha, so I will take it back to her place on friday so she can fix it up! crazy lady! :)

And I think that's all I have to update you on this week. Next week I have a midwife appointment so hopefully have something exciting to say then!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

34 weeks 1 day

So I am starting off this update with a comparison picture. Where oh Where are you hiding little Jelly? I have almost decided to call you ninja bub as I swear you are so good at hiding! I am soo not playing hide n seek with you when you come out as I will never find you! LOL I look my biggest at 22 weeks! haha. Even though you are hiding in there, my weight tells me otherwise! With the amount that I have gained you'd think I was having triplets! I am sooo not sharing how much I've put on as it is now quiet depressing.

Yesterday at work was my last weekday shift so the store manager Jamie put on an afternoon tea for me. Me and Kerry walked out together with the deli platters (which I couldn't really eat much of anyways) and there was a hamper sitting on the tables out the back for me and a few people were out there who were on their lunch breaks, even Jess H stayed back (she'd already finished for the day) Then they did a PA "All available staff to the lunchroom" A few people rocked up, not many. Jamie then got me to tell everyone why we were out there, and Im like "what I have to tell them??" and he's like "yeah" so embarrasing, so I say "We're all here because I am going on maternity leave" And then he says a little speech saying how well I am hiding my pregnancy and when he looked at all the maternity leave papers he couldn't believe it was for me, and about yes, you're about to encounter the most wonderful stage of your life, we wish you all the best, thought we'd get you something to start you off and to say thankyou for all your help over the years etc etc, then he sat down and we started nibbling on food, the odd people who walked in then left, and it was like really awkward just sitting there with Jamie and Ruth lol didn't know what to say, thankgod kerry, jess and anita where there.

Then the Bakery guy brought over a cake! it was actually a double cake, and could have looked like boobies! LOL It originally said "Have a Happy and Safe Birth" But we ate the 'have a happy and' cake. It was soooooooo light and fluffy and fresh and CHOCOLATE! mmmm Still have this half of the cake in the fridge, waiting for someone to come and help me eat it lol.

At antenatel classes last night we got the tour of the birthing suite, was quite surreal to think I may be in that very room in 6 weeks time! She was showing us all the different ways we could have the bed, all the different positions we could be in, all the different items we could use in the room. The bathroom was alot smaller than I had expected, I thought it would be more open. It's quite confined.
She showed us all the equipment involved with an epidural minus the actual needle. And GOD I hope I DON'T need to have one!!! She refused to show us the pethadine, which sucks because that I am actually interested in seeing.
While we were in there we could actually hear a woman screaming down the halls!!!
I actually already forget how to get down there so I am hoping Kyle remembered the way! LOL.

Today I am off curtain shopping with mumsy!! Hoping we can find something!!!