Tuesday, December 21, 2010

19 weeks

Just a quick post with my 19week "bump" shot, still can't really call it a bump, but it looked like one yesterday at work with my christmas shirt on, my work pants push my belly in, then up and out haha. I should probably start wearing those maternity pants soon hey? haha

Pretty sure I am feeling flutters now too! :) <3

3 more sleeps til christmas! :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

18 Week Ultrasound.

Well this morning went really quick! sheesh!

Had the ultrasound at 8:45am this morning, got a different guy to what we had the first time which made me a little sad straight up because I really liked the other fella, he did a good job!

Told us straight up he wasn't feeling very energetic today because he was half way through moving house so I instantly thought "great hes not gonna do a good job"

He had a look mainly at all the body parts, and body organs, didnt really look to much at the bub at full length, would have been good to look at the face a bit more, and get some full length shots but oh well what can you do.

Bub has even LESS room to move around in than last time! it's crazy! and the placenta is HUGE! Bub didn't do anything too exciting while we could see, moved a little bit but that was it! It's really got no room down near the legs either so maybe thats why I can't feel it kicking yet! Got no room to move!!

But anyways, here are the pics that are worth sharing.

The Foot!

The evil alien looking shot everyone gets lol

The only "profile" shot we got

Hand near its mouth

Squished Jelly!

Funny story too - Kyle came home with motion sickness after watching the ultrasound! LOL! AHAHAHAHA! How Funny is that!!! Silly bugger!
Anyways, got an appointment with Dr Tinker this afternoon at 4pm, may be my last with her until bub... if I can tell her I dont need to see her anymore.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

18 weeks 2 days

So it's been a while between posts, as I havent really had much to update you all on. No bump, Not feeling any kicks or movements. Nothing.

But today I had my midwife appointment.

  • My itchy skin is normal.
  • The stabbing pain I get near my belly when I roll over in the middle of the night is normal - ligaments and all that growing and stretching.
  • To get a doc cert for work its better for me to get that off a GP so I will be asking Tinker on monday.
  • I asked her about the popularity of a girls name we are thinking of, and she personally hasnt seen many this year, but its a name that comes and goes, so I am still thinking about it for now.
  • And I asked her about how long I get to stay after I give birth, and she said its completely up to me, depends on the birth etc etc, so THANKGOD I wont be kicked out of there straight after like Tinker pretty much told me would happen, if I am anxious about it all and feel I still need help with it all I can stay a day or 2. Which is nice to know that the option is there. But I will be waiting til the time comes and see how I feel!
  • I GOT TO HEAR THE HEARTBEAT! WOOOOO! Best part of the appointment!! I had been freaking out just a little due to the lack of bump and lack of feeling anything but as soon as I got to hear it I was just like THANKGOD! We could also hear the umbilicar cord swishing around at the same time as we heard the heartbeat was pretty cool! It started off at 140bpm but then got faster to 150bpm!

So I was very happy with all that. My next appointment with her is Jan 10! and I have my ULTRASOUND on monday the 20th dec which I am SOOOOOO excited about, and see Tinker that afternoon aswell!

1 week and a day til christmas! so exciting! all my christmas shopping is done! and I hear Jelly is getting some christmas presents aswell! how exciting!!

But for now I am off soon to have lunch with Kerry and exchange christmas presents, you'll all hear from me monday I am sure :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

17 weeks

Just to prove that not much is happening in the bump department I give you...

17 WEEK BUMP SHOT just looks like Ive put on 2kg of fat LOL. All the baby books say I should be able to feel movement any day now, but I feel nada! I reckon if it's anything like me and Kyle it is sleeping all the time lol!

Put on 700g this week :( kinda depressing, but I did have a HUGE week of eating! I even went to the gym 3 times, so imagine if I didnt! I would have put on more! lol

1 week & 5 days til I get to see Jelly again!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

16 Weeks

So, antenatel classes are all booked and start March 16 2011.

Today I went and bought some christmas presents for kyle to open on christmas day, but it's for Jelly. :) I got a 6pk of singlets, and a bodysuit like thing from kmart!

Still not really showing, well I dont think I am...hopefully soon.