Tuesday, July 5, 2011
6 weeks 4 days
Saturday, June 25, 2011
5 weeks 1 day
Managed to catch some of bubba's FIRST SMILES!! How awesome is that!! Although the poor little bubba looks like baby me in these pictues haha they were taken at 4 weeks!
Also have had lots of visitors still! We had aunty carmel and dad come down, we've had Leesha down for 3 days, Lisa and Ella came for a visit, Tanja has come for a visit, Kerry has come a few times, and Jess H has come a couple of times aswell, She took lots of photo's of bub with her camera, and that one above is just a sample. :)
Aswell as visitors we have done lots of visiting ourselves!
We've also joined a mothers group! Every tuesday afternoon 1-3pm since bub was 3 weeks and 3 days.
We got our twinkle toes done aswell!! How good does it look!?! Well worth the $160!!
Past 3 nights bub has slept from 10/11 to 3/4!! So we've had 3 nights of 5 hour gaps!! Loving it and hope he keeps it up!
He also plays a game with his dummy! He'll suck it, spit it out, then cry for it, you put it back in for him and REPEAT! lol, he wants it, he just loves spitting it out aswell!! haha as terrible as it sounds I would love to attatch a ribbon or elastic band to it and just put it around his head so it stays on!!!! LOL
He also loves to fall asleep in your arms rather than in his rocker throughout the day, hates sleeping in the pram! Night time he is fine, feeds then goes straight back to sleep in his bassinet.
And he is definately not as floppy anymore, has better head control, although he can still fling his head around a fair bit.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
2 weeks 3 days old
Will be putting one of the photo's into his twinkle toes frame which we will get in a few weeks - we went down and got his moulds done on sunday!
So the past 2 weeks and 3 days have gone so fast! and my little bubby has grown up so much already since he was born, I'm still getting used to the lack of sleep... kind of can't wait til he sleeps through a bit more, but I don't wanna wish away the time I have with a little newborn bub.
All in all I am having fun with my new bubba, love all the faces he pulls, noises he makes, love it when he falls asleep on me after a feed, and I love the new baby smell!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Arrival of Riley James.
Friday was pretty much uneventful and I started getting worried thinking bub was going to be really late, so I was thinking what else we could try to move things along, so I got Kyle to go and get some spicy Indian for tea. Had that, went to bed around 11:30pm, but pretty much as soon as I layed down I started getting period like pains again, at midnight I realised they were getting pretty constant and I wasn’t going to get to sleep so I got up, and spent the whole night pretty much online, grinning and bearing through contractions every 5 minutes, when they got bad I was on the floor on my hands and knees or walked to the kitchen to lean over the counter.
At 5:30am I called my midwife to let her know what was happening, she told me it was best to stay home as long as I could, and to wait until the contractions were 3-4 every 10 minutes, and I couldn’t handle it anymore. So I struggled through the next few hours, woke Kyle up at 8am telling him he wouldn’t be playing soccer today, bawling my eyes out in the process. Managed to have some brekky, but it was getting so bad and closer together I thought I definitely needed to go in, so at about 9:20am I called the midwife back again telling her they were worse, and closer together and that I couldn’t do it at home anymore (all the while bawling my eyes out over the phone) so she told me to come in and she’d meet me there.
On the way to the hospital the contractions started to ease off, and further apart – I think I was relaxing knowing I was on the way to the hospital and it was all going to be ok. We got into our room at 9:45am, and were left to wait it out. She checked me out around 11am, I was 4cm dilated at that time. She told me she’d definitely say we were having a baby today, but she didn’t think it would happen before 3pm, and it would probably be good if we went for a drive to get a coffee, or go for a walk around the hospital grounds, just to get out of the room. She assured me I was checked into the hospital, the room was ours, and we could do what we wanted.
I tried a couple of times to get changed back into some normal clothes but as soon as I did I would get the worst contraction and thought there was NO WAY I was going outside with pain like that. After an hour or so I just got changed and MADE myself go outside – just to get some fresh air. Kyle went downstairs on the way back to get some food while I made my way back to the birthing suit.
Around 2pm I decided to try the hot shower, which worked wonders, I was in heaven, then thought I would try out a hot bath which was just as nice, I could feel contractions coming and going but they weren’t painful.... after a few of them they started to get painful again and I got out, and went back to my usual positions of leaning over the bed.
At 3pm Cacey came in to tell me she was going and to introduce me to the midwife that was taking over – HUGE RELEIF to see it was the lady who ran our antenatal classes! I was sooo happy! And Kyle was only saying earlier how funny it would be if we got her.
Karen ended up staying with me the whole time! We discussed pain relief and decided I would start on the gas. With the really painful contractions I couldn’t concentrate on breathing in the gas so I would throw it away and breathe in the gas between contractions LOL.
I found contractions so painful, all I could do was hold my belly and scream out “oww, owww, owwwww!“ And “I can’t do this anymore!”
After an hour of working through contractions Karen got me up on the bed to check me out, but as soon as I layed down a contraction would start, so she’d have to wait...when they passed she told me I was 7cm dilated, and thought I’d still have a few hours to go.
Karen was very helpful massaging my back and helping me rock through the contractions but at 4:30ish I decided I wanted the pethidine as I just couldn’t do it anymore, but I had the feeling I needed to push so she was hesitant to give it to me but she did anyways. Soon after I got the shot she moved me up onto the bed on my knees, leaning over the back of the bed which she raised.
At 4:45pm my waters broke, HUGE relief, and it was almost instantly that I could feel his head moving down. Kyle had to push the nurses button, but the midwife pushed the emergency button soon after as she didn’t think anyone was in the birthing suite office and she needed to get help over. Cacey was still in the building and ended up coming over to watch! And another midwife came over to help with the birth.
I think it took about 3-4 pushes to get his head out! Just before he crowned I was warned that it might sting a bit but to just breathe through it. Yes it stung but it only lasted seconds, and was NO where near as bad as the contractions. Once his head was out the midwife said hello baby, are you a boy or a girl? And someone told me to reach down and touch him but I insisted I didn’t want to! I just wanted to concentrate on getting him out!!
Kyle said that while his head was out, and during the next contraction bub turned his body and with the next push he just flopped out! Followed by ALOT of blood. Turns out I lost about 500ml.
Riley James Chaplin was born 5:09pm May 21 2011.
So bub was out and no one was telling me what it was, so I’m like is someone going to tell me what it is?? They told me to have a look myself, so I slowly leaned back and looked down – first thing I saw was a penis, IT’S A BOY!!
Soon after they cleaned up underneath me I was given my bub and had to carefully move around and lay down...and got some cuddles! The cord stopped pulsing pretty much straight away and Kyle cut the cord.. which turned out to have a knot in it!! Got given the injection straight away as well, took the placenta a few pushes to get out but that didn’t take too long either.
Ended up needing stitches too they were only small ones though, they were almost not going to give me any but decided it best they should, the lady doing it ended up finding a spot that the midwives missed. It hurt and REALLY stung getting the anaesthetic. Took her forever to put the stitches in but that’s only because she was teaching Karen how to do it. Bub was happily having a feed while it was happening.
Once that was all done Karen took bub to check him out while I had a much needed shower.
Bub was weighed at 3.4kg or 7lb 8oz which Karen guessed exactly right before she weighed him.
Around 7:30 – 8 we were transferred over to the wards...and I guess that’s where the birth story ends!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
40 weeks ....
Monday, May 16, 2011
39 weeks 6 days
Bub is 3/5ths engaged... which is more than last time! Hooray! So atleast bub is on the way down!
Plan of action is, that if bub hasn't come by next tuesday then I am going to get a Stretch & Sweep, and see if that brings things on. Only thing is, is that my midwife has the 4-5 days following off! So if I don't go into labour on or before next tuesday I am going to have my backup midwife! She was there when I had the bleed and the kidney infection, so yes I have met her before and she's lovely and all, I was just really hoping Cacey would be the one who delivered Jelly coz she's been there the whole way.
Latest day I can possibly have Jelly is May 30 - which is the day Cacey will be back. (which is kinda funny coz she thinks my EDD is May 16, but its May 18, oh well I dont mind, gives me my bub sooner).
So I am thinking I should start going for walks everyday, and doing other "recreational" activities to hurry bub along within the next week!! Spicy foods was another thing but I HATEEEE spicy foods with a passion... she even suggested accupuncture which kinda freaks me out a little!!
So everyone start sending Jelly "BE BORN" vibes! lol!! I'm thinking the cold snap has scared bub off coming out! LOL